Privacy Policy

The following Privacy statement details the practices and policies of, owner and operator of Website: may collect any or all of the following information:
IP address / browser type - Used to help diagnose problems, to log user visits, and to administer our Web site;
Email Address - Used to provide a least one form of contact. Users may opt-out of receiving any regular mailings;
Country - Used for targeting purposes;
Demographics/Interest profile - Provided optionally, and used for targeting advertisements and searches. will never give or sell any of the above information to a third party without prior consent. We use this data to tailor the visitor's experience at our site to content that most closely matches individual interests. This information is shared with others only in the form of aggregate statistics. may require the use of cookies to store login session information.

Security / Financial Informtion
Financial information that is collected is used solely to bill the user for products and services. No personal financial information is stored on FreeRotator web servers.

Any FreeRotator users may opt-out of receiving regular e-mails by one of the following methods:
Responding to the email using the unsubscribe option provided;
Contact support at:

This site gives users the following options for changing and modifying information previously provided.
by logging into the members area and modifying the Update Profile page:
Contact support at:

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